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Puerto Rico: Deluxe Edition

RM 223.20 RM 231.20

Suggested Age: 14+
No. of Players: 2-5
Game Duration: 90 minutes
Designer: Andreas Seyfarth
Publisher: Rio Grande Games
Published: 2019


★★★ 2002 Deutscher Spiele Preis Winner ★★★
★★★ 2002 Japan Boardgame Prize Winner ★★★
★★★ 2002 Meeples' Choice Award ★★★
★★★ 2003 International Gamers Awards Winner ★★★
★★★ 2003 Nederlandse Spellenprijs Winner ★★★
★★★ 2005 Hra roku Winner ★★★
★★★ 2008 Gra Roku Game of the Year Winner ★★★

Prospector, Captain, Mayor, Trader, Settler, Craftsman, or Builder? 

Which roles will you play in the New World? Will you own the most prosperous plantations? Will you build the most valuable buildings? You have but one goal: achieve the greatest prosperity and highest respect! This is shown by the player who earns the most victory points.

The players are plantation owners in Puerto Rico in the days when ships had sails. Growing up to 5 different kind of crops—corn, indigo, sugar, tobacco, and coffee—they must try to run their business more efficiently than their close competitors: growing crops and storing them efficiently, developing San Juan with useful buildings, deploying their colonists to best effect, selling crops at the right time, and, most importantly, shipping their goods back to Europe for maximum benefit

The game system lets players choose the order of the phases in each turn by allowing each player to choose a role from those remaining when it is their turn. No role can be selected twice in the same round. The player who selects the best roles to advance their position during the game will win.

Puerto Rico: Deluxe Edition includes:

  • The Puerto Rico base game
  • The New Buildings expansion
  • The Nobles Expansion
  • New Cover and Art
  • Dual-sided building tiles with alternate artwork