Hiro Shinosawa: The Things I'm the Least Cut Out For Ver.
From RM 250.00
Cheval Grand
From RM 300.00
Asanagi: Lulled by Rough Seas
Fuji Kiseki
Thüringen: Tidying in the Moonlight
From RM 515.00
From RM 150.00
Daiwa Scarlet: Scarlet Nuit Etoile
Ryza (Reisalin Stout): Tanned Swimsuit Ver.
Ui (Swimsuit)
Saber/Miyamoto Musashi (Rerelease)
Mr. C.B.
Ryuko Matoi: Kamui Senketsu Ver. (3rd-run)
From RM 100.00
From RM 605.00
Eishin Flash
Admire Vega
Nice Nature: Cheerleader
From RM 525.00
Ann Takamaki (re-run)
Hoshino (Swimsuit)
DP-12: Morning Fable Heavy Damage Ver.
Kumano: Fancy Waves Ver.
Matsuri Kazamaki
From RM 200.00
Suzu Kanade
Klaudia: Chinese Dress Ver.
Ryza: Chinese Dress Ver.
Ryza & Klaudia: Chinese Dress Ver.
From RM 795.00
PA-15 Marvelous Yam Pastry Heavy Damage Ver.
Archer/Sei Shonagon
Lancer / Utsumi Erice
Shirogane Noel
From RM 520.00
Girls' Frontline: Neural Cloud - Florence
Priestess (re-run)
High Elf Archer (re-run)
Ruby Rose
From RM 570.00
Megumin (re-run)
Shiro: Hot Spring Ver.
RO635: Enforcer of the Law
From RM 500.00
Rem: Wedding Ver. (re-run)
Ram: Wedding Ver. (re-run)
Echidna: Wedding Ver.
Emilia: Wedding Ver. (re-run)
PARDOLL Antique Chair: Valentine
From RM 50.00
PARDOLL Antique Chair: Indigo
VSK-94 Heavy Damage Ver.
From RM 550.00
Ryza (Reisalin Stout)
Kaede Akamatsu
Takagi-san: One-Piece Dress Ver.
Utaha Kasumigaoka