Rummikub (Trilingual Edition) (RS)
★★★ 1980 Spiel des Jahres (German Game of the Year) Winner ★★★
★★★ 1980德国年度游戏奖冠军 ★★★
Rummikub is a tile-based game for 2 to 4 players, combining elements of the card game rummy and mahjong. There are 104 number tiles in the game (valued 1 to 13 in four different colors, two copies of each) and two jokers. Players have 14 tiles initially and take turns putting down tiles from their racks into sets (groups or runs) of at least three, drawing a tile if they cannot play. An important feature of the game is that players can work with the tiles that have already been played.
The household favorite tile game now have its own localized edition (3 separate rulebooks in Bahasa Malayu, Chinese & English).
Bahasa Malayu
Permainan yang cukup mudah dan pintar, Rummikub membekalkan hiburan yang mengasyikkan, setiap permainan berbeza bergantung kepada kombinasi langkah pilihan anda!
Matlamat Permainan: Menjadi permain pertama melaungkan "Rummikub!" dengan menggunakan semua jubin dalam "turutan" atau "kelompok" dan mengumpulkan markah tertinggi. Tewaskan lawan anda dengan strategi yang tenang dan langkah yang licik. Jadilah permain pertama memainkan semua jubin anda dan melaungkan "Rummikub!". Gunakan jubin bebas dengan berhati-hati... Ia boleh memperhebatkan permainan tetapi jika ia tersenyum di atas rak anda pada akhir pusingan, anda hilang 30 mata!
With brilliant simplicity, Rummikub provides hours of amusement, each game as different as the combinations of moves you choose to play!
Players aim to be the first player to go "Rummikub" by using all tiles in "runs" or "groups" and by accumulating the highest score. Outwit your opponents with cool strategy and sharp moves. Be the first to lay down all your tiles and go "Rummikub!". Use joker with caution... He can fire up the game, but if the is smiling on your rack at the end of the round, you lose 30 points!
诞生于1930年的 Rummikub 其实是一款颇年长的桌游,不过它就像是历久不衰的经典一样,玩法简单但变化无穷,始终都还是可以吸引许多初次接触的玩家。自1991年开始,每3年也会在欧洲各地举办拉密世界杯,其中有两届的冠军是由日本人夺下。游戏的目标就是要出清手中的牌,除了可以将自己的牌组合成“群组”或是“顺组”打出外;也可以用手中的牌,来重组台面上的牌,出到最后一张前,就和UNO一样,要记得喊声“Rummikub”,而最快出完牌的人就是最后胜利者。
Looking for Rummikub Board Game Online in Malaysia? Read This
The Rummikub is an indoor game that can be played by 2-4 people at once. Rummikub is similar to rummy and mahjong, or perhaps a mix of both.
The game is tile-based, and the original Rummikub box comes with a total of 106 tiles in it.
These tiles can be further divided into four different coloured sets of thirteen, with two copies, as well as two jokers. Players start with around 14-16 tiles at the beginning.
The main objective is to use all tiles that a player has. The first one to do so gets the win.
Rummikub: How to Play?
Watch this 6-minute video on how to play Rummikub:
As you can see, the game starts with players drawing 14 tiles usually.
The tiles they draw are faced downwards; thus, the players have no idea of their value. After drawing these tiles, a player makes the first move by bringing forward a certain coloured set of tiles.
The numbers of these tiles must sum up to 30. If the player is unable to bring forward such a specific set of tiles, then they must draw another tile from the original stock.
This repeats until every player manages to bring forward the demand target of other players. Every time they fail to do so, one more tile of unknown value is added to their collection.
General Laws of the Game
The sets in exposure can increase with time as long as every player contributes a tile from their side.
This tile that they bring forward must have a number that continues the set consecutively.
In special cases, a set of the same numbers with different colours can be made by the players too. Other than that, the Rummikub game allows its players to use a special tile known as the Joker tile.
The Joker tile can fit in any set of any colour and line up with other tiles. This tile acts as a master tile that fits anywhere and anytime. The Joker tile can only be replaced by a tile that fits in its position such that the order in the set remains valid.
As long as every player is bringing forward at least one tile to contribute to a set, they don’t have to draw more from the pile. A general rule is that if all the tiles get finished from the original pile, then the player with the least value of tiles would be victorious.
Rummikub’s Past and Present
Rummikub was created by Ephraim Hertzano in the 1940s. While the year of Rummikub’s origin is unknown, what is known about its beginnings is that Ephraim made several sets of the game and sold them in his neighbourhood.
Slowly the game gained fame, and it made its way to further areas. In around the '70s, Rummikub became one of the bestselling games in the US. With now almost a century old, multiple versions of the game have been released globally. The game of Rummikub is still quite popular to this date.
Buying Rummikub Board Game in Malaysia
You can buy Rummikub in Malaysia from ShiroToys. It is overall an exciting game that lets you get familiar with numbers while keeping you indulged in competition with other players.